Why OBI?
Dedicated to Our Fleet.
With over 100 years in the seafood business, we know great seafood is impossible without great fishermen. Everything starts with you out on the water and OBI is only as good as the fish you catch.
We know you have a choice who you fish for, and at OBI Seafoods we want to do everything we can to make your time fishing as productive and rewarding as possible. That's why we offer excellent fleet services and advantages you really can't get anywhere else. Here's why OBI is a great processing partner to team up with:
A Solid Company: It is no small feat to have been in business since 1910. Our experience in the Alaska seafood business is unparalleled. We are well-financed and banked with excellent management and a dedicated staff.
Strategic Well-Managed Locations: Whether you are fishing in Southeast, Prince William Sound, the Gulf of Alaska, Kodiak, or Bristol Bay, we’ve got you covered. With 10 processing plants, we have the flexibility to handle heavy volumes and fleet growth for years to come.
Diverse Production and Markets: Our experienced crews carefully handle your hard-earned catch and process it into products with the highest possible value. Our sales team then works around the clock to make sure we are getting the best prices for our products. With access to markets all over the world, we can find the buyers who value wild Alaska seafood and are willing to pay for it.
Excellent Fleet Services and Communication: We pride ourselves on offering the best fishermen services in Alaska. Our tender service is second to none and our fishermen can count on tender coverage when it is promised. Check out our specific services by location below.
Competitive Prices: We know the bottom line is the most important factor. OBI always offers a competitive price and volume incentives for your catch, and you can depend on prompt payment.
From Southeast to Bristol Bay, OBI provides multiple locations in every fishing region of Alaska for deliveries and fleet services.

Petersburg processes multiple species 11 months of the year and Excursion Inlet operates during the summer salmon season.
Gulf of Alaska
Seward operates from spring to late fall for halibut, sablefish and salmon. Cordova maintains summer operations for Copper River and Prince William Sound salmon.
Kodiak Island
Our Kodiak plant operates year-round operations for all species, with salmon processed in summer at Alitak and Larsen Bay.
Bristol Bay
Our plants in Egegik, Naknek and Wood River operate for the summer Bristol Bay salmon season.
Fleet Services
OBI supports our fleet with a wide range of essential services throughout all major fishing areas of Alaska. Whether you need fuel, a place to store or mend your gear, groceries, or a part delivery, we here to help and get you back fishing. Check below to see the specific services offered at each location.
Our Petersburg fleet services is the best in the business with 24/7 communications available with the fleet department, and a fast, efficient accounting department. We have a machine shop on site and a port mechanic is available to repair vessels and equipment. Gear and net storage are also available on plant property.
We offer a complete package of fishermen services to keep you fishing:
- Port engineer and port shop
- Refrigeration troubleshooting
- Electrical troubleshooting
- Welding
- Ice and water
- Net loft with fishing gear storage
- Wi-fi
- Skiff and net Storage
- US mail service
- Pre-post season AML barge service (Seattle)
- Float plane service
Excursion Inlet is operating as a buying station in 2023, and is open for fishermen services. Here are some of the main services we're able to provide:
- Port engineer and port shop
- Refrigeration troubleshooting
- Electrical troubleshooting
- Welding
- Ice, water, and waste disposal
- Rec hall with showers and self-laundry
- Company store with groceries and personal gear/clothes
- Skiff and net Storage
- US mail service
- 3rd party seaplane charters
- Sheltered anchorage
- Pre-post season AML barge service (Seattle)
Conveniently located right in town, fishermen can benefit from the amenities available downtown Cordova (including Wi-Fi), in addition to services provided at the plant:
- Ice
- Showers
- Runner for parts and groceries
- Net storage on plant property
- Gear lockers available
- Fisherman freezer for home packs and frozen food for the fishing season
- Fleet management is on call 24/7
We are committed to our fleet and express our appreciation through excellent communication and the below services:
- Laundry
- Vehicle for fleet use
- Ice
- Showers
- Summer season runner
- Gear storage: pot, longline, seine nets, seine skiffs, tender set-ups
- Bait
- Cold storage
OBI’s operations cover all of Kodiak Island with three well-established processing plants and networking capabilities with plants across Alaska for resources. Between our dedicated staff and first class tenders, we are at your service with the below accommodations:
- Ice
- Water
- Vessel unloading
- Crane services
- Gear storage
- Gear hauling
- Freight services
- Home pack
- Cold storage
Our seasoned management team at Larsen Bay values communication, promptness, quality, and personal relationships with our fishermen.
Our fishermen services include:
- Robust tender fleet with updated sorting capabilities and quick response time
- 24-hour on-call fleet management with access to beachgang staff
- Fueling capabilities for diesel, gasoline, fuel oil, and propane
- Free dockside moorage in season, with floating barge and beach access
- Port engineer with port shop, machine shop, and use of 4 different crane options
- Excellent welding staff with weld shop and some stock available
- Refrigeration technician on staff for consultation
- Staffed stockroom with all manners of belts, chains, lines, filters, hoses, oils, lubes, etc.
- Large airstrip with regularly scheduled daily flights in and out of Kodiak
- Webloft with personal locking storage space patrolled by night/winter-watch and indoor net working area
- Storage capabilities for skiffs, nets, and other large equipment on premises
- Scheduled access to recreational areas/equipment (weight room, theater, mini golf, volleyball, basketball, etc.)
- Clinic physician available in Larsen Bay village
Alitak’s location on the south tip of Kodiak Island makes it an ideal homeport to fish Kodiak’s Eastside, Westside, and Alitak Salon Districts as well as the mainland. We are also well located for fishing in IPHC Area 3B and NMFS Reporting Area 620. The Alitak plant will be operating as a buying station for the 2023 season. We offer a complete package of fishermen services to keep you fishing:
- Port engineer and port shop
- Refrigeration troubleshooting
- Electrical troubleshooting
- Welding
- Ice, water, and waste disposal
- Laundry services
- Rec hall with showers and self-laundry
- Company store with groceries and personal gear/clothes
- Net loft with fishing gear
- Wi-fi
- Skiff and net Storage
- US mail service
- 3rd party seaplane charters
- Sheltered anchorage
- Pre-post season AML barge service (Seattle)
- Custom home packing service
Egegik is uniquely positioned to act as a service hub for Bristol Bay's east side, including south to Ugashik and north towards Naknek, with Egegik at its center. We offer general fisherman services and also advanced services at the plant. We aid in the distribution of groceries, parts, and basic living needs such as restrooms and meals, when appropriate.
Here's our full list of advanced services:
- Port Engineer
- Refrigeration troubleshooting and maintenance
- Electrical troubleshooting
- Parts ordering
- Ice and Water
- Laundry services
- Showers
- Wi-Fi
- Net loft
- Net storage
- Haul outs
- Boat storage
- US Mail service
- Assistance with booking charters and flights
- Transportation to and from the air strip
- Pre and post AML barge service
Naknek is complete with a very hard-working office staff accommodating fleet with the below services:
- Refrigeration troubleshooting
- Electrical troubleshooting
- Ice, fresh water, trash disposal
- Gear storage in warehouse
- Net storage in net pen
- Wi-fi access
- US Mail and air cargo service
- Dock frontage for tie ups
- Dock-mounted crane for hoisting supplies on/off vessels
- Pre/post season AML barge access to Seattle and Anchorage
- Pre/post season tender access to other Alaska ports
- Shore-based expeditor for parts, groceries, etc.
- Wells Fargo banking access
In the Nushagak District of Bristol Bay, our fleet services are housed at the downtown Dillingham Fleet office (just west of City Dock). This office is staffed all season and functions around the clock, just like our fishermen do. We're here to coordinate your gear and nets, parts, travel, pay, and make available exclusive facilities like showers and laundry. The processing plant at Wood River provides ample ice for our fishermen, helps with skilled labor when possible, and sells boxes of boneless fillets to our fleet.
We offer the below services to keep you fishing:
- 24/7 assistance by phone or radio
- Parts ordering and support
- Airport pickups and rides in town
- Crew checks, crew travel, crew hospitality
- Wi-Fi, and access to phone/fax/scanning/mail
- Shipping and expediting
- Crane truck and forklift
- Net and gear storage
- Fishermen laundry
- Fishermen showers
- Daily mug up
- Fishermen ice (at Wood River)
- Electrical, mechanical, welding support (at Wood River)
- Fish boxes for sale (at Wood River)