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November 16, 2022

Company Invests in Protection of Bristol Bay Salmon and Economy

(Seattle, WA) November 16, 2022 – OBI Seafoods recently contributed $200,000 to the Pedro Bay Rivers Project, an initiative helping to secure Bristol Bay’s critical habitat by preventing the construction of a transportation road needed by Pebble Mine. The Pedro Bay Rivers project is a partnership between the Pedro Bay Corporation, the Bristol Bay Native Corporation, the Bristol Bay Heritage Land Trust, and The Conservation Fund. OBI Seafoods joins the people of Bristol Bay and other donors, such as the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association, in supporting this initiative, prioritizing the protection of this region’s salmon habitat.

The proposed open pit mine, Pebble Mine, poses a threat to the Alaska seafood industry because of the toxic waste it would produce and leave behind, devastating Bristol Bay’s pristine waters, salmon populations, and the economy and communities they support. The funds raised for the Pedro Bay Rivers Project will play a significant role in removing this threat by preventing Pebble Mine from building a transportation road that would run through Native lands.

“This project is instrumental in creating a huge barrier in Pebble Mine’s efforts; so making this contribution was an easy decision, and we hope others in the industry will join us,” said OBI Seafoods CEO, Mark Palmer. “Last summer’s record-breaking salmon run was a true testament to fishery management and the clean water that sustains it. It is crucial that we, as a seafood processor, safeguard this region, as it plays a vital role in the Alaska seafood industry as a whole.”

The Conservation Fund is close to achieving their year-end goal of raising the $20 million needed to create conservation easements, blocking Pebble Mine’s transportation access. OBI Seafoods is glad it can support Bristol Bay fishermen, lending its support to the Pedro Bay Rivers Project so that the threat of Pebble Mine can be successfully removed, and the Bristol Bay fishery can continue to thrive for generations to come.

About OBI Seafoods:

OBI Seafoods was formed in 2020 through a merger with Ocean Beauty Seafoods and Icicle Seafoods, two of the oldest and most successful seafood companies in Alaska. The company operates 10 processing plants throughout the state and is a leading producer of fresh, frozen, and canned Alaska seafood. OBI brings together the experience and heritage of both companies, along with the legacy Ocean Beauty and Icicle brands, and the new company continues its predecessors’ commitment to responsible seafood resource management and community sustainability.

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